The elegant ensemble of this Kurta and Dupatta combines a Sambhalpuri Dupatta Orange shade with Black Palla known for its intricate handwoven patterns and vibrant colors, with a pure cotton block printed kurta.
The dupatta is traditional with geometric motifs, handwoven in the ikat style, making it a heritage piece from Odisha. Its vivid hues add a splash of sophistication to the outfit. The kurta is soft and breathable pure cotton with timeless block prints in lovely earthy hues.
Together, this pairing offers a perfect balance of tradition and modernity, ideal for casual gatherings, festive occasions, or workwear with an ethnic twist.
Dupatta: 2.5mts
Kurta: 2.5mts
These are hand stock and can be shipped the same day or next day. Can be delivered within 3-5 days in India. We also do International shipping.
#SambalpuriDupatta #BlockPrintedKurta #EthnicElegance #HandwovenHeritage #IndianTextiles #IkatWeaves #TraditionalWear #SustainableFashion #HandcraftedStyle #PureCottonComfort